On Cognitive Adaptation Training

Neuro-cognitive approaches to schizophrenia recovery are the new focus in clinical studies. Clearly, the negative symptoms of schizophrenia such as deterioration of executive functioning, lack of motivation, and impulsivity are frequently overlooked in research studies on schizophrenia treatment:  “The way people usually understand schizophrenia is that it is about hallucinations and delusions, and that’s often the focus of treatment and medications,” says Dr. Sean Kidd, Clinician-Scientist in the Complex Mental Illness Program and Interim Psychologist in Chief in CAMH. “In fact, far greater challenges can happen due to cognitive difficulties in areas such as memory and attention, and the negative symptoms of schizophrenia: losing your momentum and drive, keeping organized. There’s very little attention to these very pressing concerns.”  Deterioration of executive functioning, lack of motivation, and impulsivity are frequently overlooked largely due to thinking about schizophrenia that rules out cognitive and perceptual capacities.

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